223 results for Egypt

FRANCE / Partnership agreement between FMM and the CMI

The Centre pour l’Intégration en Méditerranée (CIM) and the France Médias Monde group (FMM) have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate in spreading knowledge and solutions to meet the challenges facing the countries of the Mediterranean region. In doing so, both parties aim to advance the implementation of transformational reforms and integration across the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-partnership-agreement-between-fmm-and-the-cmi/?lang=en


The 7th Festival International de Film Documentaire à Agadir (FIDADOC) organized by the Association de Culture et d’Éducation par l’Audiovisuel, took place from May 4th to 9th. It was sponsored by the journalist and critic Luciano Barisone, director of the Visions du Réel Festival. Exclusively for documentaries, this festival allows ordinary people, young film-makers, particularly …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/morocco-7th-fidadoc/?lang=en

MENA / A Thousand and One Nights on ICFLIX

For the holy month ICFLIX, the platform for legal streaming and video on demand in the Middle East and North Africa, is launching a series inspired by the popular Arab stories A Thousand and One Nights, “Alf Leila we Leila”. The series will be available throughout the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). Every …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/mena-a-thousand-and-one-nights-on-icflix/?lang=en

FRANCE / Screening documentary Electro Chaabi

  “Electro Chaabi” Screening organised by the CMCA in partnership with the Département Société de la Bibliothèque de l’Alcazar and the Centre Régional d’Information Jeunesse de Marseille   On Tuesday June 16th at 5:30 pm there will be a screening of Hind Meddeb’s documentary “Electro Chaabi”, winner of the Mediterranean Art, Heritage and Cultures Award …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/screening-documentary-electro-chaabi/?lang=en

LEBANON / Retrospective of Lebanese producers: “Deuxième Rencontre”

In 2012 Euromed hosted a round table on the Lebanese film industry and its productions. Although the Lebanon is reputed to be the second country for Arab cinema after Egypt, the films produced there are still struggling to get shown either locally or internationally. At that meeting Ghassan Abou Chacra, a film industry consultant to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-retrospective-of-lebanese-producers-deuxieme-rencontre/?lang=en

FRANCE / Panorama of North African and Middle Eastern Cinema

This year the Panorama of North African and Middle Eastern Film will celebrate its tenth birthday. It will take place between March 31st and April 19th just outside Paris in Saint-Denis and Seine-Saint-Denis. Audiences will see the latest films from North Africa and the Middle East through a selection of some fifty films from Morocco, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-panorama-of-north-african-and-middle-eastern-cinema/?lang=en

SWITZERLAND / Gold FIFOG for Tamara Erde’s documentary “This is my land”

The 10th FIFOG, dedicated to love and sponsored by the poet Adonis, was held from March 20th to 29th. It ended with a prize-giving ceremony on Saturday, March 28th at Geneva’s Maison des arts Grütli . This year the documentary jury awarded the Gold FIFOG to “This is my land” by Israeli director Tamara Erde. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/switzerland-gold-fifog-for-tamara-erdes-documentary-this-is-my-land/?lang=en