143 results for lebanon

FRANCE / Ferid Boughedir guest of honour of Cinémas du Sud

From April 27th to 30th, Regard Sud, an association based in Lyon, is organising the 16th Cinémas du Sud festival, focussing on North African and Middle Eastern films. Over 4 days, 9 films from 8 countries of the Arab world will be screened at the Institut Lumière. The Tunisan director Ferid Boughedir, will be this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-ferid-boughedir-guest-of-honour-of-cinemas-du-sud/?lang=en

FRANCE / 11th Panorama des Cinémas du Maghreb/Moyen-Orient

For the 11th year the association Indigènes Films is renewing its Panorama des Cinémas du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient (PCMMO) in Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis. The 2016 selection of 43 films, dramas and documentaries, long or short, will be screened from March 29th to April 17th. In troubled periods like the one we are living though …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-11th-panorama-des-cinemas-du-maghrebmoyen-orient/?lang=en

PriMed 2015: the awards

“Voyage en Barbarie” by Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget, won the Documentary Grand Prix – Mediterranean Issues. This heart-rending film about the trade in humans in the Sinai made a big impact on the jury chaired by Reda Benjelloun, head of news magazines and documentaries at 2M. “Speed Sisters” by Amber Fares and “Patience, patience, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2015-the-awards/?lang=en

USA / An inventory of internet freedom in the Mediterranean

On October 28th the Washington-based NGO, Freedom House, published its annual report on internet freedom in the world. Presented as a map, it gives an overview of the state of internet freedoms in the Mediterranean, assigning scores of 0 (total freedom) to 100 (no freedom) for each State. Syria (87) and Egypt (61) are rated …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/usa-an-inventory-of-internet-freedom-in-the-mediterranean/?lang=en

GREECE / Drops of Breath: A dance company presents an under-water show

For the first time ever, choreographers Sophie Bulbulyan (Compagnie DK-BEL, France) and Apostolia Papadamaki (Quasi-Stellar Company, Greece), in collaboration with Lia Haraki (Pelma Company, Cyprus), together with a team of ten collaborating countries (Germany, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Hungary, Lebanon, Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden) are presenting an under-water visual-dance performance with some of the audience …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/greece-drops-of-breath-a-dance-company-presents-an-under-water-show/?lang=en

ISRAEL / Call for applications for the Greenhouse training workshop

Every year since 2005 the Greenhouse programme has offered a series of seminars for film-makers and documentary producers from the following countries: Algeria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, lraq, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. Twelve to fifteen projects will be selected for 2015-2016. Directors and producers with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/israel-call-for-applications-for-the-greenhouse-training-workshop/?lang=en

EUROPE / Call for grants from the Aswatona Fund

The Aswatona Fund for Media Development, an initiative co-financed by the European Union to strengthen the independent media sector in North Africa and the Middle East, launched its second call for grant proposals for the development of community media. It will support five actions: exchange of experience and good practices; audience development and sustainability; social …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/europe-call-for-grants-from-the-aswatona-fund/?lang=en