235 results for Spain

SPAIN / Vodafone to axe 1,200 jobs


On January 10th the British telecommunications group announced its intention to cut up to 1,200 jobs in its Spanish subsidiary, almost a quarter of the total number of employees (5,014 in March 2018). The UK group has 14.1 million mobile customers in Spain and 3.3 million internet subscribers. To justify this vast lay-off, Vodafone cited …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-vodafone-to-axe-1200-jobs/?lang=en

SPAIN / Launch of the “Atenea” programme


The Institut Valencià de Cultura and the association Dona i Cinema, which organises a festival of the same name, announced the launch of the “Programa Atenea” for young women directors. It was created out of a need to help women who are either completing their studies or newly graduated, and who want to work in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-launch-of-the-atenea-programme/?lang=en

SPAIN / 7th Barcelona Festival of Italian Cinema

Festival de Cinéma Italien de Barcelona

For a few days in December the Catalan city became the capital of Italian cinema, with the 7th Barcelona Festival of Italian Cinema. From the 14th to 18th Spanish audiences could watch the best recent Italian films, with a selection of 10 features and 6 short films. The free screenings were followed by discussions with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/barcelona-festival-of-italian-cinema/?lang=en

SPAIN / 12th Catalonia Festival of Arab and Mediterranean Film

Mostra du Cinéma Arabe et Méditerranéen de Catalogne

The 12th Catalonia Festival of Arab and Mediterranean Film opened on November 8th in Barcelona with the screening of Daily life in a Syrian village, a film by the great director and writer Omar Amiralay. This documentary made in 1974 with the playwright Saadallah Wannous had been banned in Syria. By showing the daily life …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-12th-catalonia-festival-of-arab-and-mediterranean-film/?lang=en

SPAIN / Seville European Film Festival

Festival européen du film de Séville

Between November 9th to 17th the Andalusian capital will become a centre for the 7th art as it hosts the 15th Seville European Film Festival, where people connected with European cinema can discuss every aspect of films and film-making. In addition to the films shown in the official selection, there are sections on “new wave” …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-seville-european-film-festival/?lang=en

SPAIN / SEMINCI – Valladolid International Film Week


The Seminci festival was held from October 20th to 27th in Valladolid. There was a rich and varied programme, with 70 feature films and 50 short films competing in various categories (official selection, Spanish documentary, climate change, young audience, etc.). The jury of the official selection was chaired by Portuguese film-maker Miguel Gomes, director of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-seminci-valladolid-international-film-week/?lang=en

SPAIN / Medimed – the Euro-Mediterranean documentary market


The 19th Medimed, the Euro-Mediterranean documentary market, was held from October 11th to 14th in Sitges, south of Barcelona. Organized by Apimed, the Association Internationale des Producteurs Indépendants de la Méditerranée, Medimed is aimed at independent producers and directors who have a documentary project they want to develop, with particular emphasis on projects which take …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/medimed-the-euro-mediterranean-documentary-market/?lang=en