Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

SPAIN / The government wants to take control of the media in Catalonia

Having activated Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution on Saturday October 21st, suspending Catalonia’s autonomy, Madrid now wants to place the Catalan public broadcasters under state supervision, including the television channel TV3. This measure would allow the Madrid government to put new leaders in place at TV3 and dismiss those currently in office. In a …

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ITALY / A reportage by Envoyé Spécial wins an award at Bologna

The 11th Terra di Tutti festival, held in Bologna between October 13th and 15th, presented awards to several French documentaries and television reports. Focussing on social cinema, Terra di Tutti this year offered 35 documentaries and TV reports from around the world, including twenty in competition. In a selection strongly influenced by the twin themes …

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ALGERIA / Saadene Ayadi appointed to the Ministry of Culture

On October 18th the former vice chair of the Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle (CMCA), Saadene Ayadi, was appointed Director of Cooperation at the Algerian Ministry of Culture. He was appointed by Azzedine Mihoubi, the Minister of Culture. Since the 1990’s Saadene Ayadi has worked extensively in both culture and communication. The CMCA congratulates …

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ALGERIA / The state will authorise 7 private channels

In the Official Journal published on October 16th, the Algerian government announced it will attribute broadcasting licenses for seven private television channels, and launched a call for offers. This first step towards opening Algerian broadcasting to the private sector has been expected since 2010, when President Abdelaziz Bouteflika said he wanted to allow private channels …

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ISRAEL / The government discusses the possibility of closing public television

Five months after reopening the Israeli public broadcasting service, currently known as Kan, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has said he wants to dismantle it once and for all. The Israeli press reported the content of a discussion between Netanyahu and his ministers at a coalition party meeting on October 15th. Interior Minister Aryeh Deri apparently …

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ITALY / The winners of the 69th Prix Italia

Last weekend the 69th Prix Italia, organised by Rai (Radiotelevisione italiana), presented its awards to fifteen radio and television programmes from across the world. The Italia Prize picks out the most creative work on television, radio and the web, and among this year’s winners are two French programmes: De guerre en fils, a 6 × …

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FRANCE / A new documentary slot on France 2

At a press conference on September 26th, France’s leading public channel announced its documentary programming will be strengthened for the 2017/2018 season. 6 documentaries are already scheduled for prime-time broadcast on France 2 this year: they include wild-life (“Le plus bel ami de l’homme”, “Planète bleue” and “La vie secrète des animaux du village”), history …

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