Category: France

News about audiovisual in France

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FRANCE / An Arab-language version of Gulli

The French private channel Gulli, aimed at youth and family audiences, is now available via satellite in an Arab-language version. Known as Gulli Bil Arabi, this version is broadcast across 18 countries of the Middle East and North Africa, and is included in all the offers of My-HD, a Chinese company based in the United …

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FRANCE / Marie-Christine Saragosse remains CEO of France Médias Monde

As expected, the CSA (Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel) has re-elected Marie-Christine Saragosse as chair of France Médias Monde. She was the only candidate applying for her own job. Appointed in 2012 as head of the group which includes France 24, RFI and Monte Carlo Doualiya, Mme. Saragosse now has a second term which takes effect …

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ITALY / A framework contract signed between Rai and France TV

On June 21st in Rome, Rai and France Télévisions signed a framework contract to develop co-productions and increase cooperation. This agreement between the Italian and French public broadcasting groups was signed by Monica Maggioni, Chair of Rai, Mario Orfeo, Rai’s Managing Director and Xavier Couture, Deputy Managing Director in charge of Strategy and Programmes at …

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PriMed 2017 / Find out about all the films selected!

25 documentaries and web-documentaries have been chosen to take part in the 21st PriMed, le Festival de la Méditerranée en images, from November 19th to the 25th 2017 in Marseille. From June 6th to the 9th the selection jury worked together in the premises of the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle), which co-organises …

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PriMed 2017 / Mediterranean Issues

The films chosen in the Mediterranean Issues category for the 21st PriMed are: – CHILD MOTHER by Yael KIPPER and Ronen ZARETZKY – IF I CLOSE MY EYES by Francesca MANNOCCHI and Alessio ROMENZI – NÉ EN SYRIE by Hernán ZIN – SYRIE, LE CRI ÉTOUFFÉ by Manon LOIZEAU and Annick COJEAN The 21st PriMed (Prix …

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PriMed 2017 / Mediterranean Memory

The films chosen in the Mediterranean Memory category of the 21st PriMed are: – ALGER, LA MECQUE DES RÉVOLUTIONNAIRES (1962 – 1974) by Ben SALAMA – LES ANNÉES DE PLOMB, UNE TRAGÉDIE ITALIENNE by Nicolas GLIMOIS – L’HÉRITAGE DE FRANCO, LES ENFANTS VOLÉS D’ESPAGNE by Inga BREMER – NÉ À DEIR YASSIN by Neta SHOSHANI …

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PriMed 2017 / Mediterranean Art, Heritage and Cultures

The films chosen in the Mediterranean Art, Heritage and Cultures category for the 21st PriMed are: – A FOOTNOTE IN BALLET HISTORY? by Hisham ABDEL KHALEK – ALALÁ (JOIE) by Remedios MALVAREZ BAEZ – JE DANSERAI MALGRÉ TOUT! by Blandine DELCROIX – NESSUNO CI PUÒ GIUDICARE by Steve DELLA CASA and Chiara RONCHINI The 21st …

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