FRANCE / The web-series “Virag’INA” now on-line

On May 23rd INA launched its new web series Virag’INA, created by actor/director Auge GG (Aude Gagny-Goubert).

Part of the INAlab programme, the series was selected from a 2017 call for projects which would exploit INA’s video and audio archives.

Virag’INA was inspired by the documentary series Virago, also created by Aude GG and available on Youtube since 2017. Through Virago’s 26 episodes Aude GG portrays extraordinary women like Olympe de Gouges, Fatima Mernissi and Gertrude Bell.

In her new web-series she tackles women’s rights and the people who fought – or are still fighting – for them. In the first episode, Virag’INA deals with women’s right to vote. The other four episodes focus on topics such as abortion and the Veil Act, or feminism and the Women’s Liberation Movement.

Apart from the first one, also available on Aude GG’s Youtube channel, the episodes are broadcast exclusively on Youtube: Officiel.


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